auto nádrž
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What must I do before handover/sending off my order?

  • Before handing your order over to us clean the parts of oil, mud etc. Take photos of the parts where appropriate.
  • Do not in any way polish, grind, sand-blast, weld or planish the parts. Above all, please do not use brass or tin to make repairs. These materials change the structure and properties of the original (surrounding) material and cause significant damage to the surface. This results in more repairs being necessary.
  • By sand-blasting you also lose a part of the original surface (logos, thinning of tank plate) and unnecessary roughening of the surface occurs.

So to sum up: leave your parts in their original condition where possible!

What is the delivery period?

  • The delivery period can vary depending on work load and extent of repairs.
  • Momentarly delivery time is 2-3 months !!!!!

What size of parts can be chrome plated?

  • we chrome plate parts of maximum dimensions 1600x600x600cm
  • for technical reasons we do not chrome plate parts smaller than 3x3cm

What exactly will you be doing to my parts?

  • complete photo documentation of the original condition of all parts 
  • chemical removal of paint, rust, old chrome, grease etc.
  • repair of a part if necessary (flattening, planishing, welding etc.)
  • grinding and polishing – this phase has the biggest effect on the overall final quality and is also the most laborious (high-quality German grinding materials are used) 
  • application of individual layers of nickel + chrome.
  • final polishing of the chrome-plated surface
  • quality inspection of the final parts

What materials can be chrome plated?

  • all ferrous metals, meaning anything that is magnetic
  • NOT aluminum and zinc alloys !!!!

How can I hand my parts over to you?

  • parts can simply be handed over personally at our company’s headquarters (best after a previous telephone agreement) 
  • or posted to our address (stated in the Contact section)

In case of posting, please leave your postal address, phone and e-mail contact in your parcel!

Can the price of repairing and surface treatment be stated in advance?


  • for most parts, this can be done. Especially for motorcycle parts or parts we have chrome plated before or chrome plate regularly
  • however, there are some parts where the exact price can not be determined in advance. This applies mainly to pre-war antique car/motorcycle parts which are: 
  • a) painted over, making it impossible to assess the degree of damage under the paint. Price can only be determined after removal of the paint in the paint removing bath.
  • b) parts which are massively damaged and will need welding and several layers of copper coating. There are some parts where one copper layer is sufficient and other parts requiring five copper layers. In some cases, it cannot be determined which will apply.

We can give an approximate estimate for the price of such parts or give a maximum price.
In the price list here, we have given the prices of the parts that we chrome plate regularly and whose price we can guarantee.

How will you know which parts are mine? Is it possible you might mix up some parts?

  • all parts are photographed in detail and each customer is given an order number corresponding to the handover date. We process orders in turn, which means that only one current order is dealt with at a time. We do not chrome plate more than one order together. So there is no risk of a mix-up.

How will I find out when my order is completed and what the final price is?

  • you will be informed by e-mail or telephone on completion of your order and told the final price.

Orders which are to be returned by mail will include the price of postage which will differ depending on the country of destination. A list of postage charges can be found here. All deliveries are insured!

Should you have any further queries, please do feel free to contact us by email or phone on 0042(0)605772457